
什么是线圈 ??

协作在线国际学习,简称线圈 is a virtual exchange program aimed at supporting faculty in creating structured collaborative international learning experiences, 技术便利, between their students and students from an international partner institution.

线圈 expands global learning opportunities to a greater number of students.  It is an innovative pedagogy involving collaborative teaching and learning in two (or more) countries facilitated by online communication.  Faculty collaborate with a counterpart at an institution abroad to develop a joint 任务/项目, and students at Mines and the corresponding counterpart’s course then work together to complete the group 任务/项目 that meet shared learning objectives.

线圈的经验是一个教训的学术内容, as well as in intercultural communication and collaboration, 对学生和教师都一样.

Examples of activities include problem-based assignments, 合作研究和写作, 小组讨论, 集团项目, 等. Student collaboration may be synchronous or asynchronous, as long as the technology used to connect students supports the goals for student learning.

总而言之, 线圈 connects your course/students with an international partner who teaches a course in a similar discipline.  线圈任务/项目的范围和持续时间各不相同, 但通常持续三到四周.


  • Create an opportunity for students to develop crucial competencies and address engineering challenges through bilateral cooperation;
  • Expand virtual learning to include meaningful cross-cultural collaborative experiences as part of a Mines’ education;
  • Enhance already established course objectives while also enabling students to examine topics from varied cultural and societal perspectives
  • 加强教与学, as well as facilitate transformative international partnerships, with faculty and higher education institutions around the world.



If you would like to know more about the 线圈 program and opportunities to create a 线圈 任务/项目 in your course, 请考虑与David Wright (dwright1@cangnshoujia.com)全球教育. 有关该计划的细节将进行讨论, 包括整个过程, 时间线, 以及用于建立线圈连接的资源.


Successful 线圈 collaborations are built on solid partnerships between faculty members. If you do not already have an established international partner for your 线圈 任务/项目, the steps below are intended to help you in this process.

  • For the spring 2021 semester, the 新葡京娱乐城 is piloting 线圈 with the 纳沃伊国家矿业研究所,乌兹别克斯坦纳沃伊. If you are interested in 线圈, but would like to consider a different institution, please 参见MINES伙伴关系数据库 以了解其他可能的线圈合作伙伴.
  • Often faculty members have international research and/or professional collaborations but have never thought about engaging their collaborators in classroom projects. Planning a 线圈 assignment with a colleague with whom you have already interacted and whose working style is familiar to you increases your chances of success.
  • Leverage the existing network of Mines’ international partners through 全球教育.
    • Although it is not required to partner with an institution with which Mines already has an established relationship, 这些机构可以是一个很好的起点.
    • 联系 Mines’ Assistant Provost for 全球教育 who can assist you in finding partners from institutions in your areas of expertise.

If you are interested in the pilot program with Navoi State Mining Institute in Uzbekistan, 资金可用.  Faculty from any department are encouraged to learn more about this pilot program with Navoi State Mining Institute by setting up 30 minute meeting with David Wright: dwright1@cangnshoujia.com.


一旦你和国外的教员配对, work together to co-design your 任务/项目 and learning outcomes.

  • Consider the following aspects when designing your 任务/项目:
    • Learning outcomes: What should student know or be able to do as a result of the
      任务/项目? How do the learning outcomes for the assignment fit within the larger course?
    • 评估:什么评估(e.g.、小组演示、电子作品集、反思等.) will allow you to know if students have met those outcomes? Consider using rubrics to help you assess the extent to which students have mastered the outcomes.
    • Activity design: How will you introduce the assignment? How will you structure and facilitate collaboration (email, Zoom, Teams, 等.大学之间)? What resources/supports will students need to be successful? How will you provide opportunities for practice and feedback?
  • 想想任务设计:
    • Task design is important since many well-intentioned collaborative activities often end up not being collaborative at all. 例如, 如果学生被要求共同写一篇文章, what often happens is that they divide the work up so that they are co-dependent, i.e. 最终的产品取决于各个部分, but is not collaborative as each partner individually completes their part. Collaborative tasks must, therefore, have some degree of inter-dependence, e.g. 完成取决于知识, information and/or artifacts that only peers have access to and that cannot be found on the Internet.
  • 联系全球教育的David Wright, who can further help you develop the pedagogy of a 线圈 任务/项目.


创建一个执行您的线圈项目的计划. For extended assignments/projects, be sure to check in with your students. It takes time and practice to develop skills such as communication and teamwork. Consider incorporating an assignment where students reflect on their experience with the 线圈 project.


戈尔登,CO 80401 

国际学生和学者服务: isss@cangnshoujia.com
国外的教育: abroad@cangnshoujia.com
国际招生: admissions@cangnshoujia.com